The Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa BiesvarenThe Hague HOYT Villa Biesvaren

Villa Biesvaren

  • The Hague Ypenburg
Villa for owner of a chain of furniture shops.
The shape of the house is strongly influenced by the many terraces and balconies. Some of them hanging over more than 3 meter. The construction is made of a steel structure in the fences of the terrace. This steel construction is connected to the concrete core of the house
Originally the colour scheme was white plastered balconies connected to a varnished wooden façade. However the client really like grey’s and black’s
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